
Business People In MeetingPDM Practice offers consultancy services in a number of areas including:

  • Setting up and reviewing the legal and institutional framework for public debt management – review of public debt law; setting up of debt management offices/department/units;
  • Assisting with the recording and management of public and private sector debt;
  • Reviewing information flows, validating debt data and quality assuring debt statistics;
  • Reviewing publicly guaranteed debt and contingent liabilities;
  • Undertaking needs assessment, installing; and making optimum use of the Commonwealth Secretariat Debt Recording and Management System (CS-DRMS);
  • Evaluating, implementing and integrating debt recording and management systems with other government-wide integrated financial management information systems (IFMIS);
  • Assessing and improving debt management operations and performance including review of operational risk;
  • Drafting of procedures manuals for debt management operations; and
  • Managing PDM Programmes and Projects.

Through our network of PDM consultants, we are also able to assist in other areas.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.