Debt Management 101
This course, based on one of the core modules of the Executive Master in Public Debt Management currently being developed, provides a wide and yet comprehensive introduction to public debt management. Delivered over a 10-day period by at least two trainers, it touches on a range of topics pertinent to PDM including:
- Recent debt crises, impact and resolution
- Debt within a Public Financial Management (PFM) context
- Legal and institutional aspects of debt management
- Determining the need for borrowing
- Debt & cash management
- External debt (public and private) and the loan cycle
- Domestic debt market development and borrowing
- Recent developments in PDM
- Sub-national debt
- Debt data accounting and statistics
- IT applications in PDM
- Contingent liabilities, on-lending and the issuance of government guarantees
- Assets and liabilities management
- Cost and risk trade offs
- Debt restructuring and rescheduling
- Devising and implementing a Debt Management Strategy
The course is aimed at new and existing staff working in organisations involved PDM and can be customized to the client’s needs.